ETFs - Spring 2017  

How to identify future trends in ETFs

  • Learn the trends and themes investors can get exposure to through ETFs.
  • Understand why ETFs might be a suitable vehicle through which to access megatrends.
  • Grasp how thematic active and passive investing compares.

The challenge of finding attractively priced assets in a sector brimming with hype is another reason why some thematic investors may prefer to put their trust in a professional fund manager.

However, actively run vehicles also face difficulties finding value in industries widely expected to flourish, particularly if they arrive late to the party. 

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Should the fund manager be under pressure to fulfill a strict mandate of pursuing specific stocks linked to a certain theme, there’s a good chance he or she will be forced to buy into all the hype -- and risk being blinded by it.

“All too often, if a fund is launching on a ‘theme’ it could well be because the marketing department sees it as one which will attract a good deal of money,” says chartered financial planner Philip Milton. “Usually that is because the sector/segment, etc, has been too well supported.”

Then again, the entire stock market is currently dominated by full valuations and high volatility. Provided you pick the right theme and fund, and have enough belief in them to stick around for the long-term, you may just be in luck.

Daniel Liberto is a freelance financial journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. BlackRock has a range of ETFs linked to megatrends it has identified, but which one of these is not one of those themes?

  2. An ETF investing in long-term trends will offer investors exposure to how many stocks in one place, according to Mr Parkin?

  3. Mr Khalaf is concerned about what regarding ETFs?

  4. As some big themes have gone bad over the years, Ms Hudson suggests funds should hedge their bets by doing what?

  5. Mr Parkin claims the appetite for thematic ETFs has been strong,but which one of these is not a reason for that popularity?

  6. The majority of stocks exposed to heavily advertised megatrends can quickly appear what?

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You should now know…

  • Learn the trends and themes investors can get exposure to through ETFs.
  • Understand why ETFs might be a suitable vehicle through which to access megatrends.
  • Grasp how thematic active and passive investing compares.

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