To find out how you can help your clients use ETFs in their portfolios to provide diversification, watch the latest FTAdviser On Air today at 12 noon.
February marked the 30th consecutive month of net inflows into ETFs and ETPs in a sign interest among investors in these low cost passive products is climbing.
Deborah Fuhr, managing partner and co-founder of ETFGI, confirmed at the end of February the European ETF/ETP industry had 2,233 ETFs/ETPs, with 7,025 listings, from 58 providers listed on 25 exchanges in 21 countries.
You can join us at 12pm today to learn more about this type of product and take part in FTAdvisers' live debate on How ETFs can navigate uncertainty.
We have a panel of expert speakers who will be on hand to answer your questions and respond to your comments.
Click here to sign up for a reminder email and bookmark this page.
You can send questions ahead of the event to eleanor.duncan@ft.com or via Twitter to @FTAdviser using the hashtag #FTAonAir.