
Trusts can protect family assets through the generations

  • Describe some of situations that can be prevented with assets being held in trust
  • Identify the reasons why trusts protect assets in the event of divorce or widowhood
  • Explain how assets in trusts can be used

Passing on wealth for future generations

It is worth noting that loans are subject to a formal loan agreement and may remain outstanding for the duration of the Beneficiary’s lifetime.

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The loan is an asset of the trust and a debt of the beneficiary.

On the death of the Beneficiary of the loan, their estate would repay that loan to the original trust. Remaining assets could then potentially be available for the next generation, whilst remaining outside of their estate. It is important for the Settlor to write a detailed Letter of Wishes to the Trustees at the time the Trust is set up. It should also be reviewed regularly, so that the assets of the Trust are used as the settlor intended.

The past six months have been a stark reminder of how events beyond our control can set even some of the most carefully-made plans off course. For families thinking about how they can support the next generations, both protection and flexibility need to be integral aspects of their planning.

Mark Wintle is inheritance tax specialist at WAY Investment Services


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. People usually receive inheritances at the optimum time for them, true or false?

  2. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a risk when passing on wealth?

  3. What is a key benefit of putting an asset in trust?

  4. An asset held in trust can be protected in the case of divorce, true or false?

  5. If a widower's assets were not held in trust, and he remarried, and there was no will, where could that leave the children from the first marriage?

  6. Trusts can loan assets to beneficiaries, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of situations that can be prevented with assets being held in trust
  • Identify the reasons why trusts protect assets in the event of divorce or widowhood
  • Explain how assets in trusts can be used

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