
How to bridge the pension gender gap

  • To ascertain how big the pensions gender gap is.
  • To understand how to use technology and other means to help close the gap.
  • To be able to explain different pension and investment outcomes to clients.

Advisers should also remember that when they are dealing with a client – male or female - who is married they should be accounting for their partner also. This can be relevant for tax purposes and allowances and, importantly, when looking at inheritance planning they need to look at assets for both partners.

They may also want to speak to clients about paying money into a separate pension in their spouse’s name if their spouse isn’t able to save into their own pension at that time.

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Ultimately there is no one silver bullet to address the pensions gender issue, but with a concerted effort from government, regulators, industry and advisers, we may be able to close the gap.

Otherwise this problem will only continue and women will consistently find themselves worse off in retirement and more likely to have to rely on the State for support.

Phil Brown is head of policy for LV


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of these is NOT one of the factors cited by Mr Brown as a factor women lack when it comes to finances?

  2. How do just one-quarter of women feel about whether they can retire, according to Mr Brown?

  3. What could be useful in helping people to save more, according to Mr Brown?

  4. According to Mr Brown, advice should be feel more what than it is at present?

  5. Mr Brown believes the dashboard will do nothing to increase the take up, and affordability, of advice. True or false?

  6. If their spouse isn’t able to save into their own pension at that time, what should advisers consider, according to Mr Brown?

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You should now know…

  • To ascertain how big the pensions gender gap is.
  • To understand how to use technology and other means to help close the gap.
  • To be able to explain different pension and investment outcomes to clients.

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